For years insurance agencies have been built on relationships – and that still holds true today. However, smart agents recognize they can build bigger and more connected networks, and create new relationships leveraging online social media.
Building Networks
Social media marketing for insurance agents, or what we like to call online referral marketing, is a great opportunity for an agency, or more accurately, an agent, to build a network of prospects, referrals, and clients. Where in the past you were limited by the fact that you could only be in one place at one time, or that you only had so much time in a day, social media provides a platform where you can connect with a number of people at once, all while investing only a few minutes of your time.
Insurance Marketing Partners can help you whether you’re already online and need help with content or building an audience; or whether you’re new to social media and want to get started the right way and take advantage of the medium. We’ll take the time to explain the differences between an Individual Profile, and a Business Page, and how to keep your private life separate from your professional one. We also have programs that coach you through social marketing campaigns such as Facebook Fan generation, or how to run a sweepstakes to increase awareness and create opportunities to write new business.
Your Strategic Advantage
While it’s rather simple to setup a Facebook account and begin to share things, Insurance Marketing Partners can help your agency use social media as a differentiator and a key piece of your insurance agency’s marketing strategy.
While we’re not suggesting that you throw away the traditional networking activities such as participating in community events, volunteering, or joining social groups; we do suggest that you extend your network to one or more social platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or others such as Google+. It’s rather clear now that one can’t ignore social media any longer, doing so is putting you and your business at a competitive disadvantage.
Social media marketing for insurance and other industries isn’t a fad that will pass in time. Social Media is here to stay in one fashion or another. While Facebook and LinkedIn may not always be be around in 10-years, social networks will be.
Fresh Content and Posting Services
Every month we put together new content to share on your Facebook Page. Content is sometimes insurance related, while other posts are more general in nature. Most importantly, we post your content for you! That’s right, our social marketing programs include the posting and boosting of your agency’s content. You can be assured that your Facebook Page is always fresh with something interesting to share.