Great insurance agencies aren’t created by mistake, they start with a well thought out strategic insurance marketing plan. If you’re looking to take your insurance agency to the next level, whatever that may be, you need to start with a plan.
The objective of the strategic planning session is to introduce and explore digital marketing options that drive awareness, consideration, conversion, retention, and referral opportunities. We’ll help you discover what it is that is going to take your agency from where it is today, to where you want to be tomorrow.
Strategy Session Activities
The following is an outline of a workshop facilitated by Insurance Marketing Partners for you and your team. It’s preferably a face-to-face work session that asks tough questions that in the end will provide your agency with a clear definition of who you are, who your ideal customer is, and a solid plan to acquire that business.
Review past plans and activities
While not a lot of time will be spent on this subject, a review of past marketing successes and failures is important to understand and give context to your new marketing plan.
Agency Branding Exercise
Insurance Marketing Partners will conduct an abbreviated agency branding exercise to define what makes your agency different than other agencies. The focus of this exercise is to identify what why individuals and businesses would choose your agency over your competitors. This also is a critical first step in defining the subject matter of the content and the tactics used to attract and retain desirable business.
Define Agency Objectives of Expectations
This exercise will give clear and objective direction of what your marketing plan hopes to accomplish. This exercise will go beyond “sell and retain more insurance.” We’ll dive into the detail to better understand where your plan’s focus should be.
We’ll help define what your target market looks like. Who they are, where they live or work, what industry they’re in, where they can be found online, and what they care most about. We’ll explore what industries you currently focus on as well as what lines of business you specialize in.
Finally, we’ll set some expectations in terms of objective measurable results. This may include numbers that measure awareness, traffic, quotes, or commissions earned.
Introduce strategies and tactics
This final step will bring everything together. We’ll begin by introducing the strategies and tactics available to you and how they work. From there we’ll discuss which ones best match your objectives, your audience, your interests and talents, and your budget.
Once the work session is complete, Insurance Marketing Partners will provide you with a summary marketing plan. This plan will consider the day’s exercises and provide you with a report summarizing the outcomes of the day. It will include a definition of your agency brand, your value proposition, your ideal customer, and suggested strategies and tactics to attract them.
While a marketing plan is never complete, and should be continually adjusted due to changing market conditions such as new threats or opportunities, this summary will provide a solid base from which we can work from.